On behalf of the Environment Agency we would like to welcome you to this Tadcaster Flood Alleviation Scheme engagement event.
We invite you to learn more about the proposed scheme and share feedback as part of this first round of public consultation.
The consultation period will run for over three weeks, commencing on Wednesday 30th Sept – Sunday 25th October 2020
We look forward to hearing from you.
Allows the user to pan around the room to the left.
Provides background information on the project and provides assistance on how to access the
different content provided.
Presents the cookie policy used within Virtual Engage.
Brings up the feedback questionnaire tailored to the engagement you have been viewing.
Allows the user to pan round the image to the right.
Icons In The Room
Represents images, banners or posters, which when clicked will display static content in full
screen. You can zoom and pan using the on screen controls.
Represents video content, which will automatically load a video player.
Brings up the feedback questionnaire tailored to the engagement you have been viewing.