Welcome to the Future of Grimsby Town Centre consultation. The purpose of this consultation is to hear the views of anyone who lives, works or visits Grimsby about where they want to see the town centre in 10 years’ time. Please take the time to move around this virtual room and read the boards. We are seeking your feedback on the ideas we have set out but we are keen to hear new ideas too. This is your chance to share your thoughts on the Future of Grimsby Town Centre.
If you would like to obtain a printed copy of the display boards or feedback form, please contact the Council on 01472 324602
To allow us to maximise the number of responses to the consultation, please note that the deadline has been extended until 23:59 on Sunday 26th July. Thank you for your interest in the future of Grimsby Town Centre.
Allows the user to pan around the room to the left.
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Presents the cookie policy used within Virtual Engage.
Brings up the feedback questionnaire tailored to the consultation you have been viewing
Allows the user to pan round the image to the right.
Represents images, banners or posters, which when clicked will display static content in full
screen. You can zoom and pan using the on screen controls.
Represents video content, which will automatically load a video player.
Brings up the feedback questionnaire tailored to the consultation you have been viewing