A66 Northern Trans-Pennine Route Upgrade

Noise and vibration

PEI Report Chapter 12 : Click Here

PEI Report Figures : Click Here

Glossary and Abbreviations : Click Here

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This section summarises the preliminary assessment findings at this point in the EIA process for noise and vibration, based on PEI Report Chapter 12: Noise and Vibration.


The acoustic environment of the project is primarily characterised by road traffic noise. Additional noise sources include occasional aeroplane noise near to Warcop and trains. In addition to residential buildings, there are many other sensitive receptor types within relatively close proximity of the existing A66, such as the North Pennines AONB, North Pennine Moors SPA and SAC, the River Eden SAC, several Scheduled Monuments, PRoWs, community facilities and schools.


The construction of the project has the potential to result in temporary noise impacts at the closest receptors to the development. At the time the assessment was undertaken detailed construction information was not available to inform a detailed assessment of noise and vibration impacts. A full noise and vibration assessment will be undertaken and reported within the ES. A Construction Method Statement has since been produced and provides more information about the types of activity that would be expected during construction.

The potential for significant adverse effects is primarily dependent on the noise level of construction activities, and the distance between receptors and construction works. Therefore, it can be assumed that receptors closest to the project are most likely to experience significant adverse effects during the construction phase.

Significant effects will be temporary and will not be experienced by receptors for the full duration of the construction period. Instead, the period of time which receptors will experience significant effects will depend on the duration of the individual task being undertaken and its location to the receptor.

The potential effects of construction activities will be minimised by the use of ‘best practicable means’ of noise and vibration control during all construction activities. Mitigation measures will be recommended within the ES when the details of the construction programme are known.

Preliminary construction assessment

  • There is potential for likely significant effects across the project. The location and duration of these effects are yet to be determined and will depend on the construction programme. Effects will be temporary and localised depending on the specific activity and construction stage.


The potential impacts associated with the project are likely due to the noise emissions associated with the new roads and changes in traffic flows in the wider road network.

These changes may result in permanent adverse or beneficial likely significant effects arising from noise emissions depending on location.

Appropriate noise mitigation will be considered at receptors where a likely significant adverse effect has been predicted and will be detailed within the ES. Mitigation of operational road traffic noise may include (but not be limited to) screening (i.e. noise barriers and/or earth bunds) or low-noise surfacing or a combination of these.

Preliminary operation assessment

  • There is the potential for both adverse and beneficial likely significant effects on residential and non-residential receptors across the project depending on location.