Table of Contents
Chapter 6 of Volume 2 of the PEIR presents a preliminary assessment of effects on agricultural land quality and farm holdings. The Main Application Site comprises approximately 120ha of agricultural land that would be affected by the Proposed Development, some of which is no longer being farmed. This land is classified as a mixture of Subgrade 3a or Subgrade 3b in line with the Agricultural Land Classification criteria. Subgrade 3a land forms part of the Best and Most Versatile agricultural land, as defined under the National Planning Policy Framework.
The agricultural land within the Main Application Site is owned by the Applicant and some of it is currently being farmed by a single farming business under a tenancy agreement. The duration of that tenancy is flexible and allows the Applicant to take possession prior to the start of construction works.
Available soil resource at the Main Application Site is characterised by four main soil types: agricultural soil, agricultural soil (calcareous) , parkland soil and woodland soil.
Mitigation measures
The agricultural land would be managed under a new agricultural tenancy which would retain some areas in agricultural use during Phase 1. All land would be taken out of arable production in Phase 2a to provide new areas of habitat creation. However, the neutral grassland provided as biodiversity mitigation is potentially reversible, i.e. the grassland could be returned to its former agricultural use by future generations, if required.
During construction, the quality and quantity of soil disturbed by the Proposed Development would be maintained by implementing appropriate techniques for stripping, storing and re-use. This approach would be adopted by construction contractors as described in the Outline Soil Management Plan, included as Appendix 6.6 in Volume 3 of the PEIR.
All the effects on agricultural land quality and farm holdings occur exclusively during the construction phase, hence no mitigation during operation is required.
Likely significant effects
During the construction phase, the Proposed Development would result in the permanent change from agricultural to non-agricultural use of approximately 25.1ha of best and most versatile agricultural land in Subgrade 3a. This is considered a significant adverse effect on agricultural land resource. No likely significant effects were identified for agricultural land in Subgrade 3b.
The tenancy of the farming business that currently farms some of the agricultural land within the Main Application Site is due to expire before the start of construction works. Agricultural land that will be retained in use during construction will be managed under an extended existing tenancy or a new agricultural tenancy. Whilst new planting is proposed on field boundaries, with residual rights to retain and maintain the planted vegetation, this would not have any significant adverse effects on the neighbouring farm holdings. Therefore, no significant effects on agricultural businesses have been identified.
The Proposed Development would retain on site and re-use within the landscape approximately 43,250m³ of topsoil and 70,550m³ of the highest quality soils. This soil resource would be managed in line with the Outline Soil Management Plan. Approximately 146,500m³ of topsoil and 119,200m³ of subsoil would be surplus to future requirements and not retained for landscape purposes. The loss of this soil resource during construction has been identified as a significant effect.
No likely significant effects on agricultural land quality, farm holdings and soil resources during the operational life of the Proposed Development have been identified.
Completing the assessment
The assessment of effects on agricultural land and farming circumstances will be updated to reflect any changes in the design of the Proposed Development.
PEIR Chapter 6 : Click Here
6.1 Agricultural Land Classification : Click Here
6.1 MAFF Post 1988 Agricultural Land Classification Report : Click Here
6.2 TOHA Agricultural Land Classification June 2019 : Click Here
6.3 Land at Luton Airport Soil Resource Survey June 2016 : Click Here
6.4 Land at Luton Airport Soil Resource Survey May 2017 : Click Here
6.5 Land at Luton Airport Soil Resource Survey October 2018 : Click Here
6.6 Draft Soil Management Plan : Click Here