London Luton Airport Expansion

Greenhouse gases

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Chapter 12 of Volume 2 of the PEIR presents the preliminary assessment of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the Proposed Development. In June 2019, the UK Government set a legally binding target of net zero carbon emissions by 2050. Transport Decarbonisation Plan, published in July 2021, sets out the Government’s commitments and actions to further decarbonise the full transport system in the UK before 2050. The Jet Zero Consultation was published alongside the Transport Decarbonisation Plan to seek views on the Government’s proposed approach and principles to reach net zero aviation by 2050.

In addition to the assessment of GHG emissions, the PEIR also identifies the impact of the Proposed Development on the UK meeting its five-yearly carbon reduction targets. The sixth carbon budget, passed into law in June 2021 for years 2033-2037, was the first to align with the net zero target and for the first time incorporated the UK’s share of international aviation and shipping emissions.

Mitigation measures

A range of measures to reduce GHG emissions from the Proposed Development are proposed and have been accounted for in the assessment. These include (but are not limited to):


  • as set out in the Draft CoCP the lead contractor will develop and implement a Carbon Efficiency Plan to manage carbon emissions from construction activities and promote good practice;
  • mitigation measures will consider both, the embodied and operational carbon associated with construction works, and include the below:
    • specification of materials with lower embodied GHG emissions within lead contractor’ contracts;
    • commitments to recycle/reuse demolition waste;
    • commitments to reduce water use and disposal;
    • use of renewable/zero or low carbon fuels for construction; vehicles, plant and machinery where reasonably practicable; and
  • targets would be set to reduce waste generation and water use during construction.


  • the Draft Greenhouse Gas Management Plan (refer to Appendix 12.1 of Volume 3 of the PEIR) sets out measures to reduce GHG emissions from the operation of the Proposed Development, such as:
    • options for low carbon renewable energy generation;
    • options to encourage the future uptake of low and zero carbon fuels for both vehicles using the airport and aircraft in co-operation with the airport operator, e.g. inclusion of electric vehicle charging points in car parks, and inclusion of infrastructure for sustainable aviation fuels, where feasible;
    • measures incorporated into the design to utilise efficient building design, reduce energy usage and waste generation during operation.
  • a landscaping strategy for the operation of the Proposed Development to offset any loss of vegetation and deliver new habitats would be implemented (refer to Appendix 8.2 of Volume 3 of the PEIR); and
  • mitigation proposed to reduce emissions to air and the number of car journeys outlined in Sections 7.2 and 18.2 of the NTS will also reduce GHG emissions.

Likely significant effects


Construction GHG emissions calculated for the Proposed Development were based on data for estimated energy use, types and quantities of construction materials, waste generated during construction, and land use change leading to a loss of carbon stock. The assessment estimated that a total of 1,082,369 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) would be emitted over the construction phases of the Proposed Development. 50% of these emissions are associated with usage of equipment and vehicles during construction. Other major sources of GHG emissions are land use change and embodied carbon in construction materials, which account for 23% and 20% of total GHG emissions during construction respectively.


Operational GHG emissions assessment considered emissions over the life cycle of the Proposed Development from key activities identified, including airport operations, surface access journeys and aircraft movements. The assessment of GHG emissions considered the reduction in emissions over time, as more efficient new generation aircraft replace the existing fleet. At maximum capacity in 2043, the Proposed Development was estimated to generate 2,137,386 tCO2e from its operation, with the majority of these emissions being associated with aircraft movements. This is an additional carbon impact of 1,001,486 tCO2e compared to the airport’s capacity being capped at 18 mppa.

Assessment of impact on the ability of Government to meet its carbon reduction obligations GHG emissions from the construction and operation of the Proposed Development would represent between 2.331% and 3.691% of the Climate Change Committee carbon-cap for aviation emissions for the periods of 2023-2027 and 2028-2032 respectively, and 0.774% of the sixth UK carbon budget for years 2033 - 2037. The preliminary assessment concluded that whilst these emissions would be significant, the Proposed Development would not materially affect the UK’s ability to meet its carbon reduction targets, including carbon budgets.

Completing the assessment

The assessment of GHG emissions will continue to be updated to consider design changes and the emerging Government Jet Zero Strategy. Opportunities to further reduce GHG emissions will also be identified, where applicable.


PEIR Chapter 12 : Click Here


12.1 Draft Greenhouse Gas Management Plan : Click Here
12.2 GHG Methodology and Data : Click Here