London Luton Airport Expansion


Chapter 1 - Introduction

Chapter 1 Introduction
Figure 1.1 Site Location
Appendix 1.1 Scoping Report (Volume 1 of 2 Main Report)
Appendix 1.2 Scoping Report (Volume 2 of 2 Figures)
Appendix 1.3 Planning Inspectorate Scoping Opinion

Chapter 2 - Site and Surroundings

Chapter 2 Site and Surroundings
Figure 2.1 Proposed Development Boundary
Figure 2.2 Development Areas
Figure 2.3 Existing airport infrastructure
Figure 2.4 Other Airport Related Development

Chapter 3 - Alternatives and Design Evolution

Chapter 3 Alternatives and Design Evolution

Chapter 4 - The Proposed Development

Chapter 4 The Proposed Development
Figure 4.1 Illutstrative Works Locations - Assessment Phase 1
Figure 4.2 Illutstrative Works Locations - Assessment Phase 2a
Figure 4.3 Illutstrative Works Locations - Assessment Phase 2b
Appendix 4.1 Construction Method Statement and Programme Report
Appendix 4.2 Draft Code of Construction Practice

Chapter 5 - Approach to the Assessment

Chapter 5 Approach to the Assessment
Appendix 5.1 Transboundary Screening
Appendix 5.2 Preliminary Light Obtrusion Assessment
Appendix 5.3 Noise requirements and compliance CAP 1616a

Chapter 6 - Agricultural Land Quality and Farm Holdings

Chapter 6 Agricultural Land Quality and Farm Holdings
Figure 6.1 Agricultural Land Classification
Appendix 6.1 MAFF Post 1988 Agricultural Land Classification Report
Appendix 6.2 TOHA Agricultural Land Classification June 2019
Appendix 6.3 Land at Luton Airport Soil Resource Survey June 2016
Appendix 6.4 Land at Luton Airport Soil Resource Survey May 2017
Appendix 6.5 Land at Luton Airport Soil Resource Survey October 2018
Appendix 6.6 Draft Soil Management Plan

Chapter 7 - Air Quality

Chapter 7 Air Quality
Figure 7.1 Study area and affected road network
Figure 7.2a Air quality monitoring undertaken by LBC, LLAL and LLAOL
Figure 7.2b Air quality monitoring undertaken by CBC, NHDC and SACDC
Figure 7.3a Modelled Human Receptors
Figure 7.3b Modelled ecological receptors
Figure 7.3c Modelled cultural receptors
Figure 7.4 Area of National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (NAEI) gridded emissions and location of rural monitoring sites
Figure 7.5 Modelled landing and take-off (LTO) sources brake and tyre wear
Figure 7.6 Modelled landing and take-off (LTO) sources - final approach
Figure 7.7 Modelled landing and take-off (LTO) sources - arrivals 07
Figure 7.8 Modelled landing and take-off (LTO) sources - arrivals 25
Figure 7.9 Modelled landing and take-off (LTO) sources - taxi in 07 in baseline and future do-minimum (DM) scenarios
Figure 7.10 Modelled landing and take-off (LTO) sources - taxi in 25 in baseline and future do-minimum (DM) scenarios
Figure 7.11 Modelled landing and take-off (LTO) sources - taxi out and hold 07 in baseline and future do-minimum (DM) scenarios
Figure 7.12 Modelled landing and take-off (LTO) sources - taxi out and hold 25 in baseline and future do-minimum (DM) scenarios
Figure 7.13 Modelled landing and take-off (LTO) sources - taxi in 07 in 2027 do-something (DS) scenario
Figure 7.14 Modelled landing and take-off (LTO) sources - taxi in 07 in 2039 do-something (DS) scenario
Figure 7.15 Modelled landing and take-off (LTO) sources - taxi in 07 in 2043 do-something (DS) scenario
Figure 7.16 Modelled landing and take-off (LTO) sources - taxi in 25 in 2027 do-something (DS) scenario
Figure 7.17 Modelled landing and take-off (LTO) sources - taxi in 25 in 2039 do-something (DS) scenario
Figure 7.18 Modelled landing and take-off (LTO) sources - taxi in 25 in 2043 do-something (DS) scenario
Figure 7.19 Modelled landing and take-off (LTO) sources - taxi out and hold 07 in 2027 do-something (DS) scenario
Figure 7.20 Modelled landing and take-off (LTO) sources - taxi out and hold 07 in 2039 do-something (DS) scenario
Figure 7.21 Modelled landing and take-off (LTO) sources - taxi out and hold 07 in 2043 do-something (DS) scenario
Figure 7.22 Modelled landing and take-off (LTO) sources - taxi out and hold 25 in 2027 do-something (DS) scenario
Figure 7.23 Modelled landing and take-off (LTO) sources - taxi out and hold 25 in 2039 do-something (DS) scenario
Figure 7.24 Modelled landing and take-off (LTO) sources - taxi out and hold 25 in 2043 do-something (DS) scenario
Figure 7.25 Modelled landing and take-off (LTO) sources - departures 07
Figure 7.26 Modelled landing and take-off (LTO) sources - departures 25
Figure 7.27 Location of modelled auxiliary power units (APUs)
Figure 7.28 Location of modelled aircraft engine testing and fire training ground in baseline and future do-minimum (DM) scenarios
Figure 7.29 Location of modelled aircraft engine testing and fire training ground in 2027, 2039 and 2043 do-something (DS) scenarios
Figure 7.30 Location of modelled ground support equipmen (GSE)
Figure 7.31 Location of modelled heating and energy plant
Figure 7.32 Assumed construction traffic route
Figure 7.33 Location of modelled car parks in baseline and future do-minimum (DM) scenarios
Figure 7.34 Location of modelled car parks in 2027 do-something (DS) scenario
Figure 7.35 Location of modelled car parks in 2039 do-something (DS) scenario
Figure 7.36 Location of modelled car parks in 2043 do-something (DS) scenario
Appendix 7.1 Air Quality Methodology
Appendix 7.2 Air Quality Baseline Data
Appendix 7.3 Air Quality Results
Appendix 7.4 Draft Air Quality Plan

Chapter 8 - Biodiversity

Chapter 8 Biodiversity
Figure 8.1 Ecological Statutory
Figure 8.2 Ecological Non-Statutory
Figure 8.3 Ecological Constraints Plan
Appendix 8.1 Ecology Baseline Report_Compiled for Publication
Appendix 8.2 Draft Landscape and Biodiversity Management Plan
Appendix 8.3 Habitats Regulations Assessment No Significant Effects Report
Appendix 8.4 Draft Bird Strike Risk Assessment

Chapter 9 - Climate Change Resilience

Chapter 9 Climate Change Resilience

Chapter 10 - Cultural Heritage

Chapter 10 Cultural Heritage
Figure 10.1 Designated Heritage Assets 1 of 2
Figure 10.2 Designated Heritage Assets 2 of 2
Figure 10.3 Non Designated Heritage Assets
Figure 10.4 Location of Archaeological Fieldwork Events
Figure 10.5 Historic Landscape Characterisation
Figure 10.6 Designated Heritage Assets Change of 2027 DS DN 16h Noise Contours
Figure 10.7 Designated Heritage Assets Change of 2027 DS DN 8h Noise Contours
Figure 10.8 Designated Heritage Assets Change of 2039 DS DN 16h Noise Contours
Figure 10.9 Designated Heritage Assets Change of 2039 DS DN 8h Noise Contours
Figure 10.10 Designated Heritage Assets Change of 2043 DS DN 16h Noise Contours
Figure 10.11 Designated Heritage Assets Change of 2043 DS DN 8h Noise Contours
Figure 10.12 Designated Heritage Assets within ZTV
Appendix 10.1 Cultural Heritage Desk-based Assessment
Appendix 10.2 Cultural Heritage Gazetteer
Appendix 10.3 Geophysical Survey Report SUMO 2018
Appendix 10.4 Geophysical Survey Report TigerGeo 2019
Appendix 10.5 Trial Trench Evaluation Report CotswoldArch 2019
Appendix 10.6 Draft Cultural Heritage Management Plan

Chapter 11 - Economics and Employment

Chapter 11 Economics and Employment
Figure 11.1 Airport Employment Area
Figure 11.2 Geographical Extent of Study
Figure 11.3 Peak Hour Drive Time
Appendix 11.1 Economic Impact Report

Chapter 12 - Greenhouse Gases

Chapter 12 Greenhouse Gases
Appendix 12.1 Draft Greenhouse Gas Management Plan
Appendix 12.2 GHG Methodology and Data

Chapter 13 - Health and Community

Chapter 13 Health and Community
Figure 13.1 Health and Community Study Areas
Figure 13.2 Recreational Routes User Count Survey Locations
Appendix 13.1 Open Space Survey Methodology
Appendix 13.2 Open Space Survey Results
Appendix 13.3 Open Space User Questionnaire
Appendix 13.4 Methodology for Health and Community Assessment
Appendix 13.5 Evidence Review for Health Assessment

Chapter 14 - Landscape and Visual

Chapter 14 Landscape and Visual
Figure 14.1 The Site and Study Area
Figure 14.2 Zone of Theoretical Visibility
Figure 14.3 Local Landscape Character Areas
Figure 14.4 Topography Plan
Figure 14.5 Aerial Photograph and Veteran Tree Plan
Figure 14.6 Public Rights of Way
Figure 14.7 LVIA Constraints
Figure 14.8 Assessment Viewpoint Locations
Figure 14.9 Embedded Landscape Mitigation
Figure 14.10 Additional Landscape Mitigation
Figure 14.11 Phase 1 Landscape Mitigation
Figure 14.12 Phase 2a Landscape Mitigation
Figure 14.13 Phase 2b Landscape Mitigation
Appendix 14.1 LVIA Methodology
Appendix 14.2 Tree Survey
Appendix 14.3 Arboricultural Impact Assessment
Appendix 14.4 and Appendix 14.5 Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Tables
Appendix 14.6 Winter and Summer Viewpoint Photographs and Viewpoint Location Plan - Viewpoint 41-44
Appendix 14.6 Winter and Summer Viewpoint Photographs and Viewpoint Location Plan - Viewpoint 53-56
Appendix 14.6 Winter and Summer Viewpoint Photographs and Viewpoint Location Plan - Viewpoint 9-10
Appendix 14.6 Winter and Summer Viewpoint Photographs and Viewpoint Location Plan - Viewpoints 11-14
Appendix 14.6 Winter and Summer Viewpoint Photographs and Viewpoint Location Plan - Viewpoints 1-4
Appendix 14.6 Winter and Summer Viewpoint Photographs and Viewpoint Location Plan - Viewpoints 15-18
Appendix 14.6 Winter and Summer Viewpoint Photographs and Viewpoint Location Plan - Viewpoints 19-22
Appendix 14.6 Winter and Summer Viewpoint Photographs and Viewpoint Location Plan - Viewpoints 23-25
Appendix 14.6 Winter and Summer Viewpoint Photographs and Viewpoint Location Plan - Viewpoints 26-30
Appendix 14.6 Winter and Summer Viewpoint Photographs and Viewpoint Location Plan - Viewpoints 31-35
Appendix 14.6 Winter and Summer Viewpoint Photographs and Viewpoint Location Plan - Viewpoints 36-40
Appendix 14.6 Winter and Summer Viewpoint Photographs and Viewpoint Location Plan - Viewpoints 45-48
Appendix 14.6 Winter and Summer Viewpoint Photographs and Viewpoint Location Plan - Viewpoints 49-52
Appendix 14.6 Winter and Summer Viewpoint Photographs and Viewpoint Location Plan - Viewpoints 57-60
Appendix 14.6 Winter and Summer Viewpoint Photographs and Viewpoint Location Plan - Viewpoints 5-8
Appendix 14.7 Illustrative Visual Representations - Locations and Viewpoints 1 to 10B
Appendix 14.7 Illustrative Visual Representations - Viewpoints 11 to 19
Appendix 14.7 Illustrative Visual Representations - Viewpoints 23 to 30
Appendix 14.7 Illustrative Visual Representations - Viewpoints 31 to 50
Appendix 14.8 Residential Visual Amenity Appraisal
Appendix 14.9 Chilterns AONB Sensitivity Test

Chapter 15 - Major Accidents and Disasters

Chapter 15 Major Accidents and Disasters
Figure 15.1 Existing Baseline Conditions
Figure 15.2 Sensitive Receptors
Figure 15.3 Existing Public Safety Zone
Appendix 15.1 Environmental Risk Record

Chapter 16 - Noise and Vibration

Chapter 16 Noise and Vibration
Figure 16.1 Air Surface Noise Study Area
Figure 16.2 Ground Construction Noise Study Areas
Figure 16.3 Baseline Noise Monitoring Locations
Figure 16.4 Extent of 2019 Baseline 16h Noise Contours
Figure 16.5 Extent of 2019 Baseline 8h Noise Contours
Figure 16.6 Baseline Roadside Traffic Noise LAeq16h
Figure 16.7 Extent of 2027 DN 16h Noise Contours
Figure 16.8 Extent of 2027 DN 8h Noise Contours
Figure 16.9 Extent of 2027 DS 16h Noise Contours
Figure 16.10 Extent of 2027 DS 8h Noise Contours
Figure 16.11 Change of 2027 DS DN 8h Noise Contours
Figure 16.12 Change of 2027 DS DN 16h Noise Contours
Figure 16.13 Extent of 2039 DN 16h Noise Contours
Figure 16.14 Extent of 2039 DN 8h Noise Contours
Figure 16.15 Extent of 2039 DS 16h Noise Contours
Figure 16.16 Extent of 2039 DS 8h Noise Contours
Figure 16.17 Change of 2039 DS DN 16h Noise Contours
Figure 16.18 Change of 2039 DS DN 8h NoiseContours
Figure 16.19 Extent of 2043 DN 16h Noise Contours
Figure 16.20 Extent of 2043 DN 8h Noise Contours
Figure 16.21 Extent of 2043 DS 16h Noise Contours
Figure 16.22 Extent of 2043 DS 8h Noise Contours
Figure 16.23 Change of 2043 DS DN 16h Noise Contours
Figure 16.24 Change of 2043 DS DN 8h Noise Contours
Figure 16.25 Roadside Traffic Noise 2027 LAeq16h
Figure 16.26 Roadside Traffic Noise 2039 LAeq16h
Figure 16.27 Roadside Traffic Noise 2043 LAeq16h
Figure 16.28 Construction Noise and Ground Noise Assessment Locations
Appendix 16.1 Noise and Vibration Information
Appendix 16.2 Draft Operational Noise Management Plan

Chapter 17 - Soils and Geology

Chapter 17 Soils and Geology
Figure 17.1 Baseline Conditions - Areas of Proposed Development
Figure 17.2 Potential Sources of Contamination
Appendix 17.1 Preliminary Risk Assessment of Land Contamination
Appendix 17.2 Land Contamination Generic Quantitative Risk Assessment
Appendix 17.3 Detailed Quantitative Risk Assessment - Human Health
Appendix 17.4 Detailed Quantitative Risk Assessment - Controlled Waters
Appendix 17.5 Remediation Strategy

Chapter 18 - Traffic and Transportation

Chapter 18 Traffic and Transportation
Figure 18.1 Local Transport Network
Figure 18.2 Strategic Transport Network
Figure 18.3 Simulation Network
Appendix 18.1 Traffic and Transportation Methodology
Appendix 18.2 Selected Link Flow Data
Appendix 18.3 Draft Outline Construction Traffic Management Plan

Chapter 19 - Waste and Resources

Chapter 19 Waste and Resources
Figure 19.1 Non Hazardous Waste Expansive Study Area
Figure 19.2 Hazardous Waste Expansive Study Area
Appendix 19.1 Outline Site Waste Management Plan

Chapter 20 - Water Resources and Flood Risk

Chapter 20 Water Resources and Flood Risk
Figure 20.1 Risk of flooding from River and Sea (EA dataset)
Figure 20.2 Groundwater Features
Figure 20.3 Risk of surface water flood risk (EA dataset)
Figure 20.4 Water Framework Directive Water Bodies
Figure 20.5 Risk of groundwater flooding susceptibility
Appendix 20.1 Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment
Appendix 20.2 Preliminary Water Framework Directive Compliance Assessment
Appendix 20.3 Hydrogeological Characterisation Report
Appendix 20.4 Drainage Design Statement

Chapter 21 - In-combination and Cumulative Effects

Chapter 21 In-combination and Cumulative Effects
Figure 21.1 Cumulative Effects Assessment (CEA) Core Zones of Influence
Figure 21.2 Cumulative Effects Assessment (CEA) Wider Zones of Influence
Figure 21.3 Cumulative Effects Assessment (CEA) \other developments\ search area
Figure 21.4 Cumulative Effects Assessment (CEA) short list of ‘other developments’
Appendix 21.1 Long List of Other Developments
Appendix 21.2 Short List of Other Developments
Appendix 21.3 Other Developments Temporal Gantt

Non-technical Summary

Non-technical Summary