London Luton Airport Expansion

Air quality

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Chapter 7 of Volume 2 of the PEIR provides a preliminary assessment of the effects of the Proposed Development on air quality. An air quality monitoring programme has been implemented and continues to measure a range of potential pollutants wider than that monitored by any other major airport in the UK. Monitoring has been, and continues to be, undertaken at the airport and at nearby residential areas, to supplement monitoring carried out by the airport operator (LLAOL), Luton Borough Council, Central Bedfordshire Council, North Hertfordshire District Council and St Albans City and District Council.

Production of nitrogen oxides (NO2 and NOX) by road traffic is a major source of pollution and has led to Air Quality Management Areas being declared in Luton, Hitchin, Dunstable and St Albans. However, monitoring has demonstrated that the concentration of nitrogen oxides at the closest residential areas to the airport and also at homes beneath flightpaths, are below the air quality standards set out in legislation. Concentrations monitored at some of the roads around the airport, in the car parks and on the apron are higher, however these are at locations away from residential properties.

In the future, additional electric road vehicles and newer generation aircraft, which are more efficient, are expected to enter the fleet. Therefore, emissions from these sources are expected to reduce in the future. In line with industry guidance, this reduction in emissions has been accounted for within the assessment of the 2027 scenario. However, vehicle fleets are only predicted up to 2030 and, therefore, the assessments for the 2039 and 2043 scenarios are conservative with respect to vehicle fleet emissions because emissions from 2030 fleets have been used. Aircraft fleet have not included next generation aircraft (expected zero emissions aircraft, beyond the newer generation aircraft assessed), however, this has been considered in a qualitative sensitivity test.

Mitigation measures

A range of measures to minimise emissions to air are proposed or embedded within the design of the Proposed Development, where appropriate. These include (but are not limited to):


  • a construction phase Air Quality Management Plan, Construction Traffic Management Plan and Construction Workers Travel Plan would be developed and implemented by the lead contractor, in line with the requirements of the Draft CoCP (refer to Appendix 4.2 in Volume 3 of the PEIR); and
  • phased working would reduce the magnitude and extent of air quality impacts in comparison to undertaking all works at the same time.


  • use of the new Airport Access Road to provide routes for road traffic away from sensitive receptors;
  • a direct underground connection to an existing fuel pipeline is proposed which would reduce the number of heavy goods vehicles (HGVs also known as lorries or trucks) delivering aviation fuel to the airport, and the related emissions from those extra HGVs; and
  • a Draft Air Quality Plan setting out measures to minimise emissions during the operational phase has been prepared and is included in Appendix 7.2 in Volume 3 of the PEIR. These measures include but are not limited to:
    • providing fixed electrical ground power at the stands so aircraft can minimise the use of their auxiliary engines when on the ground.
    • encouraging airlines to use their newest and most efficient aircraft and the take up of sustainable aviation fuels;
    • working with the National Air Traffic Service and airlines to reduce hold times in the air and on the ground;
    • updating the fleet of ground support equipment that operates on the airport aprons to a low or zero-emission fleet, such as a fleet of electric powered vehicles by 2035;
    • making it easier for passengers and airport employees to travel by public transport to and from the airport, with the aim for 45% of passengers to travel to the airport by 2039;
    • encouraging the use of low and zero-emission vehicles by providing charging points for electric vehicles to keep pace with the increasing demand by employees and the electric vehicle charging preferences of car driving visitors, taxi companies, and public service vehicles; and
    • reducing reliance on fixed combustion plant and providing zero emissions plant, where permissible.

Likely significant effects

Construction dust

During construction, the assessment considered dust from construction and demolition works. The assessment of dust emissions was used to specify appropriate mitigation for inclusion in the Draft CoCP. With these measures in place, no likely significant effects were identified.

Modelling of emissions

The air quality assessment modelled increased emissions from staff and passenger journeys on the local road network; construction traffic; increased emissions from aircraft engines and increased exhaust emission from vehicles operating at the airport, as well as generators and boilers; and other airport activities, such as fire training and engine testing. The assessment modelled changes to air quality in 2027, 2039 and 2043 with and without the Proposed Development. The maximum modelled change to pollutant concentrations was an increase of 3.0μg/m³ in NO2 concentration values at one receptor location. All predicted concentrations remained below the air quality objectives set out in legislation. No likely significant effects on existing air quality were therefore identified at human receptors. Effects on ecological receptors (such as existing habitats) are reported within Section 8 of the NTS.

Odour assessment

An odour assessment was undertaken to consider the risk of odour from aircraft emissions and works at the historic landfill. With good practice measures set out within the Draft CoCP and the Draft Air Quality Plan, no likely significant effects were identified.

Completing the assessment

In order to complete the air quality assessment, the following will be undertaken:

  • further modelling of updated forecast aviation and surface access traffic data will be undertaken of a ‘faster growth’ scenario;
  • an assessment of the ecological sites including consideration of the potential ammonia (NH3) changes as a result of the Proposed Development;
  • a sensitivity test using terrain data to determine the impacts of the Proposed Development, whilst taking account of the landform around the airport; and
  • contour plots to visualise the total concentrations predicted in each Phase.


PEIR Chapter 7 : Click Here


7.1 Study area and affected road network : Click Here
7.3a Modelled Human Receptors : Click Here
7.3b Modelled ecological receptors : Click Here
7.3c Modelled cultural receptors : Click Here
7.4 Area of National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (NAEI) gridded emissions and location of rural monitoring sites : Click Here
7.5 Modelled landing and take-off (LTO) sources brake and tyre wear : Click Here
7.6 Modelled landing and take-off (LTO) sources - final approach : Click Here
7.7 Modelled landing and take-off (LTO) sources - arrivals 07 : Click Here
7.8 Modelled landing and take-off (LTO) sources - arrivals 25 : Click Here
7.9 Modelled landing and take-off (LTO) sources - taxi in 07 in baseline and future do-minimum DM scenarios : Click Here
7.10 Modelled landing and take-off (LTO) sources - taxi in 25 in baseline and future do-minimum DM scenarios : Click Here
7.11 Modelled landing and take-off (LTO) sources - taxi out and hold 07 in baseline and future do-minimum DM scenarios : Click Here
7.12 Modelled landing and take-off (LTO) sources - taxi out and hold 25 in baseline and future do-minimum DM scenarios : Click Here
7.13 Modelled landing and take-off (LTO) sources - taxi in 07 in 2027 do-something DS scenario : Click Here
7.14 Modelled landing and take-off (LTO) sources - taxi in 07 in 2039 do-something DS scenario : Click Here
7.15 Modelled landing and take-off (LTO) sources - taxi in 07 in 2043 do-something DS scenario : Click Here
7.16 Modelled landing and take-off (LTO) sources - taxi in 25 in 2027 do-something DS scenario : Click Here
7.17 Modelled landing and take-off (LTO) sources - taxi in 25 in 2039 do-something DS scenario : Click Here
7.18 Modelled landing and take-off (LTO) sources - taxi in 25 in 2043 do-something DS scenario : Click Here
7.19 Modelled landing and take-off (LTO) sources - taxi out and hold 07 in 2027 do-something DS scenario : Click Here
7.2a Air quality monitoring undertaken by LBC, LLAL and LLAOL : Click Here
7.2b Air quality monitoring undertaken by CBC, NHDC and SACDC : Click Here
7.20 Modelled landing and take-off (LTO) sources - taxi out and hold 07 in 2039 do-something DS scenario : Click Here
7.21 Modelled landing and take-off (LTO) sources - taxi out and hold 07 in 2043 do-something DS scenario : Click Here
7.22 Modelled landing and take-off (LTO) sources - taxi out and hold 25 in 2027 do-something DS scenario : Click Here
7.23 Modelled landing and take-off (LTO) sources - taxi out and hold 25 in 2039 do-something DS scenario : Click Here
7.24 Modelled landing and take-off (LTO) sources - taxi out and hold 25 in 2043 do-something DS scenario : Click Here
7.25 Modelled landing and take-off (LTO) sources - departures 07 : Click Here
7.26 Modelled landing and take-off (LTO) sources - departures 25 : Click Here
7.27 Location of modelled auxiliary power units (APUs) : Click Here
7.28 Location of modelled aircraft engine testing and fire training ground in baseline and future do-minimum (DM) scenarios : Click Here
7.29 Location of modelled aircraft engine testing and fire training ground in 2027, 2039 and 2043 do-something (DS) scenarios : Click Here
7.30 Location of modelled ground support equipmen (GSE) : Click Here
7.31 Location of modelled heating and energy plant : Click Here
7.32 Assumed construction traffic route : Click Here
7.33 Location of modelled car parks in baseline and future do-minimum (DM) scenarios : Click Here
7.34 Location of modelled car parks in 2027 do-something (DS) scenario : Click Here
7.35 Location of modelled car parks in 2039 do-something (DS) scenario : Click Here
7.36 Location of modelled car parks in 2043 do-something (DS) scenario : Click Here


7.1 Air Quality Methodology : Click Here
7.2 Air Quality Baseline Data : Click Here
7.3 Air Quality Results : Click Here
7.4 Draft Air Quality Plan : Click Here