London Luton Airport Expansion

Proposed development

Description of development

The main elements of the Proposed Development comprise the following:

  • extension and remodelling of the existing passenger terminal (Terminal 1) to increase the capacity;
  • new passenger terminal building and boarding piers (Terminal 2);
  • earthworks to create an extension to the current airfield platform, material for these earthworks would be generated on site;
  • airside facilities including new taxiways and aprons, together with relocated engine run-up bay and fire training facility;
  • landside facilities, including buildings which support the operational, energy and servicing needs of the airport;
  • enhancement of the existing surface access network, including a new dual carriageway road accessed via a new junction on the existing New Airport Way (A1081) to the new passenger terminal along with the provision of forecourt and car parking facilities;
  • extension of the Luton DART with a station serving the new passenger terminal;
  • landscape and ecological improvements, including the replacement of existing open space; and
  • further infrastructure enhancements and initiatives to support the Applicant’s goal of a net zero airport operation by 2040, with interventions to support carbon neutrality being delivered sooner including facilities for greater public transport usage, improved thermal efficiency, electric vehicle charging, on-site energy generation and storage, new aircraft fuel pipeline connection and storage facilities and sustainable surface and foul water management installations.

The Proposed Development will increase the current passenger capacity of the airport to 32 mppa. Inset 4.1 in the Non-technical summary shows the indicative layout of the Proposed Development at 32 mppa capacity.

Phasing of the Proposed Development

It is recognised that delivery of the Proposed Development will take several years, during which time the airport will remain operational. Additional capacity to meet the forecast growth in demand would be delivered in two phases related to increasing capacity at the existing Terminal 1 (Phase 1), and the construction of the new Terminal 2 (Phase 2). Works during Phase 1 would increase the capacity of the existing Terminal 1 to 21.5 mppa. Upon the opening of Terminal 2, the new terminal would initially be able to accommodate up to 7 mppa, however, it would continue to be expanded until it has the capacity to accommodate up to 12 mppa.

For the purposes of the EIA, the Phases 1 and 2 have been split into three assessment scenarios, on the basis of when different levels of passenger capacity are expected to be reached. These are summarised within Table 4.1. in the Non-technical summary, and Chapter 5 Approach to the assessment.


Construction activities to deliver the Proposed Development will comprise of:

  • enabling works, including demolition of existing structures, where required;
  • construction of new apron and aircraft stands;
  • Terminal 1 enhancement works;
  • earthworks to establish an extended platform and remediation of the affected landfill area;
  • Terminal 2 construction, including extension of the Luton DART;
  • construction of landside and airside infrastructure and buildings;
  • provision of car parking, off-site highways improvements and utilities works; and
  • provision of replacement open space and landscaping.

A Draft Code of Construction Practice (CoCP) has been prepared which sets out measures that would be implemented by the appointed contractor(s) to minimise the effects of these works where reasonably practicable. This is provided as Appendix 4.2 of Volume 3 the PEIR. In summary, the Draft CoCP sets out the following requirements:

  • environmental management principles: an overview of the environmental management systems (EMS) to be implemented during construction;
  • management approach: the mechanisms by which broader environmental commitments and detailed requirements in local community areas are secured;
  • community relations and stakeholder engagement: an overview of engagement with the local community, including the mechanisms for communications, enquiries and complaints;
  • general requirements, including hours of work, good housekeeping, security; and
  • requirements by environmental topic: an outline of the measures that would be employed to minimise effects from construction activities, as far as reasonably practicable including:
    • accident and incident prevention and control;
    • agricultural land quality;
    • air quality;
    • biodiversity;
    • climate change and greenhouse gases;
    • cultural heritage;
    • health and community;
    • landscape and visual;
    • noise and vibration;
    • soils and geology;
    • traffic and transport;
    • waste and resources; and
    • water environment.


PEIR Chapter 4 : Click Here


4.1 Illustrative Works Locations - Assessment Phase 1 : Click Here
4.2 Illustrative Works Locations - Assessment Phase 2a : Click Here
4.3 Illustrative Works Locations - Assessment Phase 2b : Click Here


4.1 Construction Method Statement and Programme Report : Click Here
4.2 Draft Code of Construction Practice : Click Here