Table of Contents
In-combination Effects
An in-combination effect can occur when a single receptor or resource is impacted by a number of environmental impacts (e.g. a residential property is affected by both noise and air quality impacts). Chapter 21 of Volume 2 of the PEIR presents the preliminary in-combination effects assessment.
During construction, the measures included within the Draft CoCP (refer to Appendix 4.2 of Volume 3 of the PEIR) would be sufficient to ensure that the overall in-combination effect would not increase the degree of effects beyond that determined by individual topics. Furthermore, any in-combination effects felt would be minor, temporary and localised in nature.
During operation, combined effects from noise and visual disturbance may arise on properties in close proximity to the Main Application Site. However, the combination of these impacts is not expected to result in a greater effect than defined within the individual technical assessments.
As such no significant in-combination effects have been identified during construction or operation of the Proposed Development.
Cumulative Effects Assessment
Cumulative effects occur when the effects of the Proposed Development combine with those from other reasonably foreseeable projects, plans or programmes yet to be built. Chapter 21 of Volume 2 of the PEIR presents the preliminary cumulative effects assessment.
A four stage approach for undertaking a cumulative effects assessment has been adopted for the Proposed Development in accordance with the Planning Inspectorate’s Advice Note 17
- Stage 1: Establish the project’s zone of influence and identify a long list of ‘other development’;
- Stage 2: Identify a shortlist of ‘other development’ for cumulative effects assessment;
- Stage 3: Information gathering; and
- Stage 4: Assessment.
Appendix 21.2 in Volume 3 of the PEIR provides the short-list of other developments considered in the cumulative effects assessment. No additional significant effects further to those associated with the Proposed Development were identified.
Completing the assessment
The in-combination and cumulative effects assessments will be updated for the ES. If any significant effects are identified, appropriate mitigation will be sought. Mitigation and how it will be secured will be clearly described in the ES.
PEIR Chapter 21 : Click Here
21.1 Cumulative Effects Assessment (CEA) Core Zones of Influence : Click Here
21.2 Cumulative Effects Assessment (CEA) Wider Zones of Influence : Click Here
21.3 Cumulative Effects Assessment (CEA) 'other developments' search area : Click Here
21.4 Cumulative Effects Assessment (CEA) short list of 'other developments' : Click Here
21.1 Long List of Other Developments : Click Here
21.2 Short List of Other Developments : Click Here
21.3 Other Developments Temporal Gantt : Click Here