Table of Contents
PEI Report Chapter 6 : Click Here
PEI Report Figures : Click Here
PEI Report Appendices : Click Here
Glossary : Click Here
Cultural heritage includes archaeology, historic buildings/structures and historic landscapes. The existing A417 runs through a landscape of historical interest, with archaeological evidence present from prehistoric times to the Second Word War. Within the study area of the proposed scheme, the landscape comprises historical assets including 10 scheduled monuments, 50 listed buildings, a registered park and garden and two conservation areas.
During construction, there is potential for disturbance to unknown archaeological remains where the proposed scheme requires excavation below the existing ground surface. An archaeological geophysical survey has been undertaken, which has identified a number of areas in which likely archaeological remains are present. These sites, as well as areas in which the potential for archaeology is unclear are currently being investigated by targeted archaeological evaluation trenching. The surveys will inform mitigation and will help establish pre-construction archaeological investigation strategies.
Construction activity, including movements of plant, temporary lighting and temporary construction compounds, would take place within the wider setting of listed buildings and other heritage assets within the study area. These works would be temporary and of limited duration.
Preliminary construction assessment
- Direct impacts would occur on both known and unknown buried archaeological deposits resulting in a likely permanent adverse significant effect.
- Scheduled monument Emma’s Grove barrows would experience a likely permanent adverse significant effect as a result of changes to its setting.
- At Shab Hill Barn, a grade II listed building, the presence of the proposed scheme would result in a likely permanent adverse significant effect on its setting.
- Although not listed, the Air Balloon public house, a local landmark, would be demolished resulting in a likely permanent adverse significant effect.
Preliminary operation assessment
- Shab Hill Barn, a Grade II listed building, would experience a likely adverse significant effect as a result of increased traffic noise compared to the existing situation.