A417 Missing Link PEI Report

Population and human health

PEI Report Chapter 12 : Click Here

PEI Report Figures : Click Here

PEI Report Appendices : Click Here

Glossary : Click Here

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The assessment of population and human health considers the potential effects on private property and housing, community land and assets, development land and businesses, agricultural holdings, walkers, cyclists and horse riders including disabled users, and human health.

The area surrounding the proposed scheme is largely rural in nature with a number of agricultural holdings as well as dispersed residential properties and businesses. There is an extensive Public Rights of Way (PRoW) network and local routes in the vicinity of the proposed scheme which have the potential to be affected, including the Cotswolds Way National Trail and Gloucestershire Way long distance footpath. These connect into wider recreational resources such as the Crickley Hill Country Park.


During construction the proposed scheme is likely to lead to both beneficial and adverse effects. Three residential properties will be directly affected by the proposed scheme with two being demolished. In addition, two businesses will also be demolished, and one agricultural holding significantly affected as a result of land take for the proposed scheme.

Some community assets, PRoW and agricultural holdings in close proximity to the proposed scheme are also likely to be negatively affected through temporary land take or the indirect effects of construction activities.

The proposed scheme would also bring both temporary and permanent effects on open space land (including Common Land, Open Access Land and Country Park). Common Land removed during construction would be replaced with an area of Common Land greater than that being lost to the proposed scheme.

Mitigation measures during construction would include temporary diversions and signage to limit the impacts of any temporary closures of PRoW and agricultural accesses. Access to businesses and residential properties would also be maintained and managed.

Preliminary construction assessment

  • Likely permanent adverse significant effects on demolished properties and businesses.
  • Likely permanent adverse significant effects effect on one agricultural holding due to extent of land take.
  • Likely temporary adverse significant effects on community land and assets in close proximity to the proposed scheme.
  • Likely temporary adverse significant effects on the PRoW network in the study area.
  • Likely negative health outcomes identified in relation to construction noise, air quality and landscape.
  • Likely positive health outcomes identified in relation to employment and economy.


Once operational, the proposed scheme is anticipated to bring beneficial effects in terms of overall accessibility and connectivity for the local community, businesses and for those visiting the area.

The proposed scheme includes a number of new crossing points which would provide better and safer links across the A417 for road users and walkers, cyclists and horse riders including disabled users. The proposed scheme also includes proposals for new and improved rights of way through a PRoW Management Plan.

Preliminary operation assessment

  • Likely permanent beneficial significant effects for users of the PRoW network.
  • Likely permanent beneficial significant effects for local communities, businesses and visitors due to increased accessibility and safety.
  • Likely positive health outcomes identified in relation to transport and connectivity, open space and nature, air quality and employment and economy.