Table of Contents
Public consultation
Highways England wishes to obtain the views of the public on the changes to the draft proposals for the proposed scheme design, taking into account the potential environmental effects of the proposed scheme. These views can then be taken into account in finalising the design and refining the EIA and ES.
There will be a consultation on the proposed scheme running from Tuesday 13 October to Thursday 12 November 2020 for members of the public to respond to the consultation.
Responses can relate to the preliminary environmental information set out in the report in respect to changes to proposed scheme. This will provide an opportunity for stakeholders to give views on our proposals. There are various ways to respond to the consultation.
The feedback form can be completed on our consultation website at: https ://
The feedback form, or any other feedback, can be posted to the freepost address below. If using this freepost address please write it exactly as shown on a single line, otherwise it may not be delivered.
FREEPOST A417 MISSING LINK (please note that the address must be written in capital letters and you do not need a stamp)
If you need a hard copy of the feedback form, let us know and we can provide one in the post.
You can email us your feedback via:
All consultation responses must be received by 23:59 on 12 November 2020. Responses received after this date may not be taken into consideration as part of the consultation.
If you have any questions you can also call us on 0300 123 5000.
After the consultation
After the consultation period, all responses will be considered in finalising the scheme design and the Environmental Statement. A Consultation Report will be prepared on the responses received and how they have been taken into account, including whether or not they led to changes to the proposed scheme. Highways England will include this report as part of the draft DCO application which is planned for submission in spring 2021. The Planning Inspectorate will decide whether the application meets the required standards to proceed to examination.