PEI Report Chapter 2 : Click Here
PEI Report Figures : Click Here
Description of the proposed scheme
The proposed scheme would provide 3.4 miles (5.5km) of new dual carriageway connecting the existing A417 Brockworth bypass with the existing A417 dual carriageway south of Cowley. It consists of the following key sections:
- Climbing the escarpment – a section of road which would follow the existing A417 corridor from Brockworth bypass to the existing Air Balloon roundabout.
- Existing Air Balloon roundabout to new Cowley Junction – a section including two new junctions. A new junction at Shab Hill, with a link road to both Birdlip and to the A436, for journeys towards Oxford and Cheltenham. A new junction near Cowley, replacing the existing Cowley roundabout. Access to local villages would be maintained via existing underbridges from the A417.
- Repurposed A417 – repurposing the existing A417 between the Air Balloon roundabout and Cowley roundabout. Some of the existing road would be converted into a route for walkers, cyclists and horse riders. The section adjacent to Barrow Wake would be demolished and replaced with Common Land designation. Other sections would be kept to maintain local access for residents.
The scheme’s vision: reconnecting the landscape
As part of this improvement, Highways England want to create a landscape-led highways scheme that will deliver a safe and resilient free-flowing road while conserving and enhancing the special character of the Cotswolds AONB; reconnecting landscape and ecology; bringing about landscape, wildlife and heritage benefits, including enhanced residents’ and visitors’ enjoyment of the area; improving quality of life for local communities; and contributing to the health of the economy and local businesses.
What do we mean by ‘landscape-led’?
Landscape-led means that landscape is a primary consideration in every design decision that is taken. The proposals have been designed to meet the character of the surrounding area, rather than changing the landscape to fit the proposals.
An environmental masterplan has been developed to set out how any impact on the environment has been reduced and where areas for wildlife, archaeology, watercourses and public accessibility have been enhanced. This will be submitted as part of the DCO application.
Design principles
The overarching design principles have been developed as part of engagement exercises undertaken with key stakeholders and include:
- Any solution involving a new road must ensure that the scheme is designed to meet the character of the landscape, not the other way around.
- Any scheme should bring about substantial benefits for the Cotswolds landscape and environment as well as people’s enjoyment of the area.
- Any scheme must have substantially more benefits than negative impacts for the Cotswolds AONB.
The three design principles are underpinned by objectives and are applied throughout the design of the proposed scheme.
Scheme development
Following the 2019 statutory consultation, work was undertaken to consider the feedback. This identified that there were opportunities to improve the scheme design. Engagement with affected landowners and ongoing environmental assessment has also contributed to the amendments made:
- A safer, off-road crossing of the A417 to accommodate the Cotswold Way National Trail. The Cotswold Way crossing, located near to Emma’s Grove, would be for walkers, cyclists and horse riders, including disabled users.
- A new crossing of the A417 to accommodate the Gloucestershire Way long distance footpath. The Gloucestershire Way crossing would help people and wildlife, including bats, to cross the new A417.
- Removal of the vehicle access from Cowley junction to Cowley Village via Cowley Lane to address safety concerns and prevent rat running.
- Increase the gradient of the road to 8% as it climbs the escarpment at Crickley Hill, rather than 7% as proposed in autumn 2019. This will significantly reduce the impact of the scheme and cut the construction period by around six months.
- Reroute the B4070 to Birdlip to improve accessibility and natural surveillance of Barrow Wake.
- Extend access along Dog Lane and Cold Slad Lane for walkers, cyclists and horse riders, including disabled users, which will improve links between Brockworth and Crickley Hill.
- Creation of a new area of Common Land, which will be north of the new Air Balloon Way.
- Inclusion of a new underpass with bridleway near Cold Slad.
- Inclusion of a new underpass near Dog Lane to help bats cross the A417.
- New car parks near the Golden Heart Inn and Birdlip, which would include disabled and horse box spaces and help everyone access this special area. Our considerations for these changes are set out in the PEI Report. https ://