Table of Contents
PEI Report Chapter 10 : Click Here
PEI Report Figures : Click Here
Glossary : Click Here
The use of materials and the generation of waste is under consideration as part of the assessment. The baseline situation includes the availability of materials including primary minerals within the region and the capacity of waste management infrastructure. In the Gloucestershire region the landbank for crushed rock and sand and gravel are expected to meet projected demand for 17 years and 6 years, respectively. Gloucestershire Council have identified areas of finite mineral resources within the area of the proposed scheme that should be safeguarded for the future. There is capacity in the waste management infrastructure in Gloucestershire and the UK should this be required for the proposed scheme.
During construction, the proposed scheme would require the import of materials to site which may have an impact on local sources of material, although this is anticipated to be small in the context of suppliers which regularly provide material for similar projects. The excavation works would result in a surplus of material (approximately 86,000 cubic metres). Opportunities to use this material as part of the proposed scheme would be sought, including for engineering uses and essential landscaping. This would reduce the noise and air quality impacts associated with the transportation of large quantities of materials.
The scheme will impact on a small area of safeguarded mineral resources but would not diminish access to this or sterilise the use of the wider resource.
There would likely be some waste arising from the proposed scheme, however, where possible, waste would be prevented and designed out. Any waste generated would be managed in accordance with the waste hierarchy, with a preference to reduce and reuse prior to disposal.
Preliminary construction assessment
- There would be no likely significant effects related to materials or waste during construction.
Material use and waste generation is expected to be very small during operation of the proposed scheme, with no significant effects expected. Operational waste and materials have consequently been scoped out of the assessment.
Preliminary operation assessment
- There would be no likely significant effects relating to materials or waste during operation.