PEI Report Chapter 3 : Click Here
PEI Report Figures : Click Here
PEI Report Appendices : Click Here
A range of route options for the A417 Missing Link were investigated and assessed against the proposed scheme’s vision and objectives, as well as a range of engineering, economic and financial criteria. The need for a safe, resilient road that reconnects the landscape and contributes to local communities is imperative for this scheme.
As a result of this assessment, two route options were proposed at consultation in February and March 2018: Option 12 and Option 30. The consultation showed widespread public support for improving the A417 Missing Link, and particularly for Option 30, which 72% of respondents to the consultation favoured. Option 30 was selected as the preferred route to be taken forward.
During the 2019 statutory consultation Alternative 2 was presented as the preferred link to the A436. This proposed link runs parallel to the new A417, linking the existing A436 by way of a new, smaller roundabout to the north of the Air Balloon roundabout. This solution would reduce impact on the landscape by ensuring that as much as possible of the surrounding land is left as we found it. The link would be single carriageway, with verges on each side. A junction would provide access to Birdlip Radio Station, as well as Shab Hill Barn and Farm.
For more information on the route options consultation, the preferred route announcement and the 2019 statutory consultation, please visit our scheme’s webpage by following this link: https ://